Our Partners

Greater Ennis United Way works hand-in-hand with community leaders, local businesses, city officials, individuals, nonprofits and other organizations to address complex challenges facing our community. Our partners contribute more than money. Their ideas, volunteer power, in-kind support and more are helping build a stronger Ennis.

Through your support Greater Ennis United Way funds 13 agencies:


          Ennis Golden Circle Senior Activity CenterHOPE Clinic





To be considered for admission as an affiliate of Greater Ennis United Way Inc., an agency must meet the following criteria:
The Agency must have a determination letter or letters from the Internal Revenue Service stating that, such agency is an organization described in Section 501C (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and that such agency is not a private foundation as defined in Section 509 of such Code. And file taxes annually.
  • Have a mission and programs that address current and clearly identified needs or issues found in the Greater Ennis area.
  • Be performing a real and worthwhile service to the residents of Ennis, Ennis ISD, zip code area 75119 & 75120 for at least two years.
  • Have programs that do not duplicate existent services within the Greater Ennis service area.
  • Conduct its business without discrimination in terms of program service, staff, and Board of Directors.
  • Have a history of significant volunteer involvement and a history of active of active support by the public through financial contributions.
  • Work collaboratively and cooperatively with other human service providers in the community.
  • Meet reasonable standards of financial and budgetary responsibility as is required of current United Way agencies.
  • In its operation, must be achieving reasonable standards in program effectiveness, accessibility, and responsiveness to community needs and clients.
  • Have an active, well-functioning, and diverse Board of Directors.
  • Have diversified funding sources, including public fund-raising.
  • Be able to demonstrate administrative efficiency and accountability.
  • Be able to demonstrate financial stability, viability, and accountability.
  • Agree to meet all United Way affiliation requirements, including: use of signage/logos, conducting an internal UW campaign among Board and staff members, assistance with UW community campaign, and adherence to fund-raising restrictions.
For additional question on becoming an affiliate please contact Johna at Greater Ennis United Way at johna@ennisunitedway.org
In accordance with the Greater Ennis United Way’s Inc. mission to improve the quality of life of all people in our community, GEUW does not discriminate on the basis of gender, age, race, religious beliefs, ancestry, disability, veteran’s status or sexual orientation and commits to diversity at all levels of the organization.  This policy applies to the GEUW Board of Directors, volunteers, and staff.